Dragon Ball Anatomy: 5 Weird Secrets About Gohan’s Body
There is no doubt that Gohan is a powerful character in the Dragon Ball universe, but his rise and fall in power comes from many bodily secrets. The world of Dragon Ball is constantly growing and adding new characters with every new arch, whether they are an ally or foe. Dragon Ball has been able to captivate its audience by developing specific personalities, abilities, and storylines for each of its characters. Aside from the two main protagonists, Goku and Vegeta, the Z Fighter who has had the most intense roller-coaster ride regarding his powers is none other than Gohan. Being the child of arguably one of the strongest characters in the universe comes with certain expectations, and for the most part, Gohan seemed to look like he was going to surpass those expectations. His upbringing was not straightforward, and there are many secrets fans are unaware of when it comes to Gohan. Gohan's Untapped Potential Was Limitless. Gohan is one of the few characters to use his own weakness ...